Thursday, January 7, 2010

What are some good books that deal with food and cooking/baking that is in a story format not recipes?

I'm not 100% sure what you are looking for, but I would suggest Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.What are some good books that deal with food and cooking/baking that is in a story format not recipes?
Check out the book Chocolate by Joanne Harris. Report Abuse
What are some good books that deal with food and cooking/baking that is in a story format not recipes?
You might find this one interesting -- ';Lutece: A Day in the Life of America's Greatest Restaurant ';. I read it and I liked it.
books by MFK Fisher


Anthony Bourdain

these are true, but well written and read like stories.
Crime Brulee by Nancy Fairbanks. Good murder mystery, sprinkled with Cajun recipes.
there are several writer who put food and cooking in their mysteries. Off hand, I can only think of Tamar Myers, and she has a bunch of them out there..they are funny and good stories.

I just did a quick search on Google ';mystery and cooking'; and came up with a huge list of books on Amazon, mysteries/suspense, and all have cooking in them.

Have a ball

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